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Flower essences to help you cope with change

Posted by Jayne Tancred on

We all go through unforeseen or unwelcome changes now and then. It can be a disruptive, rattling time, so if it's taking you a while to regain your footing, you're far from alone. Lots of people ask us about the best flower essences to take during times of uncertainty and transition. Read on to discover some of our favourites.

How do you feel about what's going on?

There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to flower essences, and the remedies that are most supportive for you will depend on what's going on in your life and how you feel about it. So it's worth taking a few moments to sit with your thoughts and emotions and tune into what's coming up for you.

Sometimes change feels devastating, and as though our world is coming to an end. Sometimes it's threatening or intimidating. And sometimes it's welcome or long overdue, yet still feels unsettling, overwhelming or disorienting.

All those reactions to new developments in our lives are valid and reasonable. And since each of responds to changing circumstances with our own unique range of emotions, you're the only one who can truly determine how you feel.

How would you like to feel instead? 

Once you've got a sense of where you're currently at, ask yourself 'How would I like to feel instead?

Armed with that knowledge, try clicking on 'Your focus' in the menu above to discover flower essences that can support you in moving in that direction.

If you're not sure which flower essences will be most suitable for you and your current circumstances, please feel free to contact us with any queries and we'll be more than happy to help.

Our most popular flower essences accepting and adjusting to change

Having said that, for almost every person who has reaches out to us to ask what the best flower essences are for them to use while coping with change, the most called for flower essences tend to be these:

  • Shock Absorber for shock, trauma and destabilisation
  • Go with the Flow for adapting to and coping with change
  • Up, Up & Away for prioritising self-care and healthy boundaries - especially for any empaths who are feeling overwhelmed with others' energy or grief. Up, Up & Away is available as both a flower essence and a divinely scented flower essence mist.

Since so many of our Tribe are finding benefit from this combination of essences, we've bundled them into an Acceptance & Adjustment Pack at a special price for a limited time.

Save on Acceptance & Adjustment Pack - Click Here

Free Shock Absorber meditation for download

It's normal and appropriate for it to take some time to adjust to new circumstances and to integrate their implications into our lives. So don't forget to be patient and gentle with yourself while you go through the transition.

Meditation is one of our favourite self-care techniques when it comes to navigating change and coping with shock and trauma. If it would help you at the moment too, please check out our free Shock Absorber meditation.

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