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Feeling stuck? Try our Guiding Light!™ Flower Essence

Posted by Jayne Tancred on

Recently I caught myself explaining to some friends in great detail all the reasons why a certain situation I was encountering was unavoidable, unchangeable and just 'one of those unfortunate facts of life'. No matter what suggestion they offered to help me see my way out of the trap, I had a justification for why it couldn't be done!

The longer the conversation went on, the more I was reminded of an awesome quote from one of my favourite books, Richard Bach's Illusions: “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours!”

Reflecting on it all later, I realised that I'd been in a state of learned helplessness - I'd felt defeated by this situation so many times that I had come to believe that there was no changing it, and had therefore resigned myself to not trying.

Guiding Light supports you in finding your way forward

Guiding Light Flower Essence, a courage-building flower remedy for times when you're feeling trapped or stuck

Whenever you encounter similar feelings of stuckness, Guiding Light™ is the flower essence to turn to. In addition to reminding you that you're unconditionally supported (even if you haven't been conscious of that support in the past), it helps you to step back from your situation, look at it in its entirety, and identify small shifts that don't feel too confronting or scary to make, but that over time, might just help you find your way forward.

In my case, working with the energy of Guiding Light™ for a few weeks has helped remove the energetic charge I had around the situation I was facing, and to see that I do in fact, have plenty of room to move. It hasn't magically fixed the issue for me, but instead has helped me explore ways to do things a little bit differently, which in turn has helped me see that there is light at the end of the tunnel (and no, it definitely doesn't seem to be a train!)

Flower essences to support confidence

Guiding Light™ is available as an individual flower essence, and can also be found in our Quietly Confident™ Flower Essence Kit, along with two other flower essences that support confidence: Up, Up & Away™, which supports you in loving and caring for yourself unconditionally; and Express Yourself™, which helps you discern your personal truth and communicate it from your heart.

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